

符咒网    2023-03-02    29








Ballad of Liangshan Mountain

The mountains are long and are covered in the vast white snow, and at this time it is Liangshan mountain.

The Jinsha River and the Dadu River in southwest China converge here, outlining the large and small Liangshan Mountains in the shape of ginkgo biloba, forming a closed and independent geographical space. With towering peaks, steep mountains, rivers and deep canyons, the natural conditions are very complex, and it is the largest habitation of Yi nationality in China.

The Yi nationality were a sad and primitive people who were forced to migrate to the closed mountains in ancient times due to their defeat in battle. Legend has it that when the Yi people came to Da liang mountain , they only brought the seeds of turnips and buckwheat and reclaimed their homeland in the primeval forest. The early Liangshan Yi nationality were a nomadic people, driving herds of hunting dogs between the mountains in the vast primeval forest. According to the relevance of animals and plants and the rhythm of human life, they created a phenological calendar belonging to Liangshan, formed their own writing, religion, and social system, and preserved many mysterious customs, of which the Bimo culture is the most core part of the Yi culture.

Since ancient times, the Liangshan people have not been controlled by any political power, nor have they fallen under the theocratic jurisdiction of Tibet, and have been in a state of independence in the southwest region. After 1956, the closed Daliangshan transitioned from a slave society to a socialist society, spanning three social forms in less than half a century.

As a nationality with outstanding wisdom, constrained by the spiritual shackles formed over thousands of years, it has been living in a state of "primitive poverty" in a dangerous natural environment. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Daliang Mountain began to be gradually renovated, but the modernization process was very slow due to the harsh and difficult natural environment and the long slavery. It was not until November 29, 2015, when “The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Winning the Fight against Poverty” was released that the living conditions of the land and the Yi people in Daliang Mountain began to be completely improved.

When I went to Daliang Mountain to photograph in January 2016, it coincided with the snow in winter to close the mountain, and some of the companions sighed: "Liangshan after the snow is beautiful into poetry!" However, in my eyes : "Liangshan after the snow is a sad song." Although there is snow on the mountain, the flowers have bloomed by the lake! We continued to walk across the ridge, and just as the sun occasionally showed its face, we came across a Bimo doing religious rites. Bimo was dressed in a robe, wearing a bucket hat and chanting ancient ures. That chant is either high-pitched, or low, or fearful, or mysterious... The changes are endless and touching. This ancient voice seems to use the ancient cultural code of the Yi nationality to interpret the ancestors and descendants, history and reality, mystery and glory, desolation and remoteness, and the confusion faced under the impact of modernization……

津门网作者 曾毅 中国著名摄影家、策展人和社会活动家,山东工艺美术学院资深教授、享受国务院政府特殊津贴、意大利佛罗伦萨国立美术学院荣誉院士,丝路国家摄影组织国际联盟创始人公主岭符咒法事占卜




01.财运符-增财运补财库开运   02.太岁符-化解不利顺利度过   03. 回心符-挽回感情增缘复合  04. 护身符-辟邪镇宅转运护身   05. 学业符 -魁星点斗文昌帝君  06. 开运符-开运转运驱除霉运  07. 桃花符-桃花早到月老姻缘   08. 偏财符-五鬼运财偏财运势  09 .小人符-化解小人是非口舌  10 .事业符-事业有成无往不利  11. 去疾符-药王化疾祛病消愈  12. 健康符-身心健康得偿所愿  13. 平安符-诸事顺利健康平安  14 .和合符-夫妻情感姻缘和合   15.定制符-心有所想 专属定制

法事科仪.png01.化解太岁法事——解太岁、谢太岁       02.升官晋职法事 ——官运亨通提升政绩    03.文昌考试法事—— 开窍聪慧考试顺利    04.偿还阴债法事—— 生债阴宅逢凶化吉   05.开财门补财库—— 增加财运助旺事业       06.助种生基法事—— 病魔缠身增寿增运   07.催子受孕法事—— 生子布阵子女满堂     08.开运转运法事—— 改运天命一帆风顺    09.催财发财法事—— 偏财运势正财持久    10.化解童子法事—— 姻缘顺利仙灵护佑   11.化解小人法事—— 化解小人防人陷害      12.小儿平安法事—— 驱邪回魂活泼健康  13.超度亡灵法事—— 祭奠亲人早登极乐     14.超度宠物法事—— 人类朋友转生脱苦   15.超度婴灵法事—— 打胎坠胎消灾除难    16.祈福许愿法事—— 许愿还愿祈求祈福

01.化解太岁法事——解太岁、谢太岁       02.升官晋职法事 ——官运亨通提升政绩    03.文昌考试法事—— 开窍聪慧考试顺利    04.偿还阴债法事—— 生债阴宅逢凶化吉   05.开财门补财库—— 增加财运助旺事业       06.助种生基法事—— 病魔缠身增寿增运   07.催子受孕法事—— 生子布阵子女满堂     08.开运转运法事—— 改运天命一帆风顺    09.催财发财法事—— 偏财运势正财持久    10.化解童子法事—— 姻缘顺利仙灵护佑   11.化解小人法事—— 化解小人防人陷害      12.小儿平安法事—— 驱邪回魂活泼健康  13.超度亡灵法事—— 祭奠亲人早登极乐     14.超度宠物法事—— 人类朋友转生脱苦   15.超度婴灵法事—— 打胎坠胎消灾除难    16.祈福许愿法事—— 许愿还愿祈求祈福


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