小编当家 | A Man-on-the-Street Interview
在本学期的最后两周,小记者们学习了如何制作微信公众号图文阿尔山道教灵符网请符。不少同学的作业都让我们眼前一亮——无论是文字,还是排版、色彩搭配,都像模像样。本期“ 小编当家”栏目的主编是我们的小记者 Tommy。一起来看看他在学记团的故事吧。 还想继续投稿的小记者,也可私信学记团老师获取投稿方式哦~
作者:郭谨辰 泗泾小学
微信编辑:郭谨辰 泗泾小学
A trip full of fear but I love
After weeks of training. We, SSP students were finally on the street, ready for some interviewing. I was just ready and waiting.
Chapter 1 Chicken?
Walking out!
When we first stepped out, everybody was just teasing each other :"You can't make it. You're just a chicken! You will fail." I was bluffing it out anyway. This is the first try. Who knows what will happen?
The teasing
Chapter 2 First round
scattered of
As soon we reached our destination. We scattered of to find our "prey". I quickly find a young woman with her girl. I stepped up to her and fidgeted a second before I started up. We talked about the "Duoble Eleven". I was stammering worse than ever. But I managed to get it over before I lost my head.
First try
Chapter 3 Russian?
Hunting prey
After a few trys, I became quite good at this so I decided to do a challenge: I'm going to interview a Russian.
I managed to find one and get cranking. She was a woman about 30 and had a baby. I think I did better at English, since English is my strong suit.
The Russian
Chapter 4 Victory
Going back
After all that, we regrouped again and set off back to the building.
This is just an amazing experience. It was scary and awsome at the samen time. I can't wait to do it again!
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